Wednesday, November 19, 2014

infinity K N I T scarf - made by me!

Hello Hello! This one is a first for me! I've done scarfs before ... but it would end up for everyone else! for the first time i get to say i made myself a scarf! and not just any scarf an infinity one! I absolutely love this type of shape that continuously goes around the neck! i think 90% on my scarfs are infinity and if not i tie the corners and make it into one! I'll be posting a haul video up on my 2nd youtube channel and you'll be able to see a closer look at my scarf! I ended up going to a store here in montreal called - DeSerres more details listed below! want to continue reading? & curious about the process of me making the scarf! P.S. more photos below!!! enjoy xox

Here are some photos showing you how my scarf came to life! so proud of myself took less than 10 hours to make! spent so much time just watching disney movies with princess too while i knitted! details and direct link to the yarn i bought at the end!

So there you have it the photos taken with my iPhone! its almost like i just txted you those photos! we truly are friends huh? i'll be posting more posts like these... i feel connected with you! i hope you like my scarf i made! it truly did turn out so nice! and i can't wait to wear it with my new coat which you'll also be able to see that haul video soon on - missrabianalicious ( youtube channel ) by the way the yarn i used was this one ( direct link here or complete link below )

isn't the colour gorgeous!! funny story i was originally going in to buy black yarn.. then this woman stopped me and suggested this one for me... she felt that it would bring out the fact that i love wearing black and the pop of browns and golds would go so well with my hair! so thank-you to the woman at the art store who helped pick out my yarn! 


  1. i love you scarf... nice colour blend...

    1. thanks :):) i love it goes so well with my complexion
